Information for families with children

Rejoice in the presence of children and young people in your meeting and recognise the gifts they bring….
We cater for children of all ages. Children’s meeting is held at the Meeting House on the first and third Sundays of the month and there is also a teenage meeting at the Meeting House on the third Sunday of the month.
At the Meeting House children join the adults for the first fifteen minutes of meeting for worship, then have separate activities in the children’s room , or outside in garden, for the rest of the hour, with adult volunteers who are all DBS checked.
There is always a minimum of two of these adult volunteers leading the children’s meeting, though parents are welcome to stay as long as their children need them. The volunteers are responsible for supervising children during this time. Parents resume responsibility after their meeting has finished.
All Age Worship is held three times a year. This is an opportunity for children and adults to worship together in a semi-programmed meeting for worship, often involving craft activities.
Our local meeting is part of Luton and Leighton area meeting, which consists of nine Quaker meetings from the wider geographical area, and Luton and Leighton area meeting camp is held every summer for ten days. This is an opportunity to live simply by camping together on a field, in a mixed age Quaker community. It is particularly popular with families with children. For more information, see
There are also a number of national Quaker residential events organised for children and young people. These provide them with opportunities to learn about Quakerism and develop their spiritual lives.
For further information about children’s meeting please contact the coordinator, Sally Everett