A selection of links to sites that may be of interest:
- Our Facebook Page: pictures and updates on some of what’s happening in Watford meeting.
- Britain Yearly Meeting: National Quaker site for Britain, contains information about Quaker meetings all over Britain.
- Get Quaker inspiration to your inbox. Keep informed with Quaker insights, news and event information delivered to your inbox.
- Luton and Leighton Area Meeting: the area meeting Watford Quakers belong to, along with other meetings geographically close to us.
- London Quakers: Our Quaker ‘neighbours’ who list us and many other meetings on their fringes, as well as many Quaker events in London.
- YFGM: a group for ‘young’ Quakers – young being defined as ‘under 30(ish)’
- Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre: Europe’s only Quaker Study Centre, offering adult education since 1903..
- Watford Celebration: A local annual celebration of faith groups.
- The Young Quaker: a newspaper written and edited by young Friends.
- The Friend: a weekly newspaper for Quakers.
- Quaker Education Friends’ Schools’ Council website.